quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped Cheats

Posted by Lawliet on 04:52

Alternate Path: Purple Gem
In level 9 Tomb Time, there is a way to access the Purple Gem path without having the Purple Gem! Towards the end of the level, the last creature you kill is the snake. After you kill the snake, turn left, and you can see a platform. Instead of going ahead, hitting the exclamation point and finishing the level, do a slide jump to that platform. If you jump perfectly you'll land. Do another one to the next platform. (HINT : It's a lot easier to do when you get the Double Jump power by defeating the 2nd boss, Dingo Dile. Then you can do a Double Slide Jump, and it's easy) But once you do the two slide jumps, you're at the end of the Purple Gem path! On the path there is a clear gem you can grab. And to get the gem for smashing all of the boxes, go through the Purple Gem path backwards, smash all of the boxes, then come back around the regular path, and grab a second clear gem at the end of the level!
Apples from Monkeys
When you are playing a level that has the rock throwing monkeys, after you have destroyed the vases that they occupy you can jump on the cowarding monkeys and get free apples.  
Beat Dingodile
To beat Dingodile you must avoid the lasers he fires at you.when he is firing he is slowly destroying his shield of crystals.When their is a big enough gap to hit him run up(dont do this when he fires at you!)and hit him with a spin attack.When you do this run away because his little pack explodes!!Do this three times to defeat Dingodile.
Beat Dr.N Tropy
To beat this boss avoid the balls and beams of energy he sends at you. Eventually he will tire out and make little platforms next to his. When you're on his platform hit him with a spin attack. Repeat this three times to beat him.
Beat Neo Cortex
To beat Neo Cortex at the end of the game, you must wait until he throws his exploding mines.  After they explode, immediately attack Cortex and knock him him into the sewer.  Do this three times to defeat him.
Watch out however, for your friend Aku Aku and Cortex's boss Uka Uka are battling in the room with you. If you touch them or the lasers they shoot at each other, you will die. Be careful, each time you hit Cortex, it becomes tougher to dodge Aku Aku and Uka Uka.
Beat Tiny
Tiny will send out some lions but if you stick to the bottom of the screen they're easy to avoid. When he trys to kill you with his trident dodge him and when it gets stuck spin attack him. Repeat this three times to beat him.
Bonus Levels (26-30)
To get to the Bonus Levels you must aquire 5 relics, which you get by beating the time trails. For each level you must have a certain number of relics to enter (increments of 5).
Crash Dash
Here's a tip, before you try to beat the levels in Time Trial, wait until you beat Cortex the first time, the super power he gives you is "Crash Dash" which enables you to run faster which will help you get Gold Relics instead of Sapphire ones in the time trials
Easy Motorcycle Time Trials
On the levels where Crash rides the motorcycle, it's easier to beat the time trial if you wait about a minute before starting so that the other vehicles don't knock you off the road.  Then, you can hit the clock and still proceed normally.
Find the Colored Gems
Green Gem Level 23 Flaming Passion:
Take the hard path.
Blue Gem Level 20 Tomb Wader:
Take the hard path.
Yellow gem Level 7 Hang'em High:
It shows the yellow gm on this level but you must actually get the secret warp zone and go into level 27 to aquire it.
Red Gem Level 12 Deep Trouble:
To get the red gem you must go to the end of the level and then you must hit the ! box at the end. Once you have done this go back down the tube and to the right tap the TNT box to set it off and then go through to get the red gem.
Purple Gem Level 13 Hang High:
Get the hard path and take it.
Hidden Boxes in Tomb Time
When you reach the dead end with the picture of the light purple gem in a square border, keep on super bdoy slamming (X and O or R1 buttons) to break hidden boxes.
SECRET Secret Levels
There are two secret levels in the game that I don't think you can access until you beat the game.
The first: Hot Coco, which can be accessesed through Road Crash.   When you see the sign that shows an alien head, hit it and you will be transported to Hot Coco.
The next: Eggapus Rex, is accessesed by going throught the yellow gem path on Dino-Mite!  When your running from the triceratops, let youself be taken by the second pterodactyl.  You will be transported to this cool level.
Spyro the Dragon Demo
At the title screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, Sguare. It also shows the code on page 9 of the instruction manual.

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