quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Croc Cheats

Posted by Lawliet on 04:57

Level select
At the password screen enter U, L, D, L, R, L, D, U, L, R, R, D, R, R, U.
Super Password
At the password screen enter L, L, L, L, D, R, R, L, L, D, R, D, L, U, R  and you will start at the final level of hidden island 5-B with all secrets.
Sound test
Press Select at the "Audio Options" screen.
Invincible falls
Pause the game as Croc yells while falling. Press Select and choose the "Quit" option. Then, select the "No" option. Press Down at the quit game screen so neither the "Continue" or "Quit" options are selected. Press X and restart the current level without losing a life.
Island passwords

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