quinta-feira, 30 de junho de 2011

Gex 3 cheats

Posted by Lawliet on 12:43

Invincibility:Pause game play, highlight the "Exit" option, then hold L2 and press DownUpLeft(2),TriangleRightDown. A sound will confirm correct code entry.
Gex quotes:Pause game play, highlight the "Exit" option, then hold L2 and press DownRightLeft,CircleUpRight. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Resume game play and pressSelect to force Gex to make a comment.
3D camera:Pause game play, highlight the "Exit" option, then hold L2 and press UpDownUpDown,SelectSelect.
Debug menu:Pause game play, then hold R2 and press UpCircleRightUpLeftRightDown. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Resume game play and press Select to display a list of options including level select, sound debug, collectibles, and more. Note: For the PAL version of the game, pause game play, then hold L2 and press UpCircleRightUpLeft,RightDown. Warning: If the debug menu code is active, and any of the FMV vault codes are used, the game cannot be saved since the pause feature will be disabled.
Vault codes:To enter the following vault screen passwords, play the hidden level and get all four vault "secret" keys. The passwords are entered at the vault screen.
Eight Hit PawsEnter SquareDiamondTriangleTriangleStarDiamond as a password at the vault screen.
Extra lifeEnter TriangleCircleStarSquareSquareX as a password at the vault screen.
Ten livesEnter SquareXCircleCircleTriangleSquare as a password at the vault screen.
InvincibilityEnter SquareStarTriangleSquareTriangleDiamond as a password at the vault screen.
Toggle timerEnter SquareSquareDiamondCircleXX as a password at the vault screen. The timer may be turned on or off at the "Extras" screen.
Play as AlfredEnter SquareXTriangleSquareStarStar as a password at the vault screen. This is no longer effective after you leave Gex's HQ.
Play as CuzEnter SquareDiamondSquareSquareTriangleDiamond as a password at the vault screen. This is no longer effective after you leave Gex's HQ.
Play as RexEnter SquareStarStarSquareTriangleTriangle as a password at the vault screen. This is no longer effective after you leave Gex's HQ.
View FMV sequencesEnter StarXXCircleSquareTriangle as a password at the vault screen.
Gangster channel FMV sequenceEnter CircleTriangleSquareStarDiamondStar as a password at the vault screen.
Western channel FMV sequenceEnter DiamondStarSquareXTriangleCircle as a password at the vault screen.
Army channel FMV sequenceEnter XDiamondStarTriangleTriangleCircle as a password at the vault screen.
Level selectEnter SquareCircleCircleTriangleXX as a password at the vault screen.
Gex quotesEnter SquareTriangleX StarSquareX as a password at the vault screen. Press Select to hear various comments from Gex.
Debug menuEnter SquareSquareDiamondCircleX X as a password at the vault screen. Press Select to enter the debug menu.
Hint: Play as DracuGex:Go to the clueless room in the Gex cave. Go up the stairs on the right to find a picture of DracuGex. Look into the picture and you will transform to DracuGex.

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