quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2011

Metroid: Prime Hunters

Posted by Lawliet on 05:43

Hint: Jump higher with Morphball (demo version):Go into Morphball mode and remain absolutely still. Set all bombs down quickly. Once the bombs explode, immediately change to normal mode. You should jump even higher.
Hint: Super Missiles (demo version):In multi-player mode, get as much of the energies (weapon energies) as you can, then get a the missile. Once obtained hold Fire (when you select the missile icon so that you have missiles) and you will start charging with the missiles.
Hint: Video trailer (demo version):Complete all of the training courses and get at least in fifth place on the leader board on all the training courses. Once you complete the last one, the "Play Video" option will be unlocked on the touch screen. Touch it to se a short video of Samus discovering some enemies followed by a URL, www.metroidhunters.com. After you watch it once, you can watch it again by touching a small red dot at the bottom right of the main screen.
Hint: Charging rocket launcher (demo version):Obtain the red missile icons two times (in multi-player or single playe rmode), then hold or tap and hold Fire.
Hint: Charging Electro Lob in multi-player mode (demo version):In Trooper Module, morphball and go to the tiny spacing that launches you to the center. Obtain icon with bombs two times, then charge.
In Assault Cradle, go outside on either opposite side or in the center. Obtain icon with bombs two times, then charge.
Hint: Rapid fire with Powerbeam (demo version):Select the stylus control type. Then, go to either regulator or survivor training modes. Now in order to shoot fast, have your fingers on both L and R and start pressing them one at a time very fast in sequence. Pressing L + R will cause you to shot two shots at the same time.
Hint: Morph/Retro Jump (demo version):In survivor mode, make sure you are not too close to a wall. Tap the Morph icon on the touch screen (or B if in touch-shoot mode) Lay one mine. Note the energy spikes (blue lines) radiating off. Wait for them to converge directly under you. Then, tap the Morph icon (or B) to be sent up higher than normal. Note: You can also jump for more height.
Hint: Double Jump (demo version):If you are in the air at any time in survior mode and did not jump to get there (Morph Jump, fall off platform, etc.) you can jump. For example, if you accidentally fall off a platform, jump quickly and hold Back. This also allows you to jump on top of the level with a Morph/Retro Jump.
Hint: Death Spot in survivor mode (demo version):When the level starts, turn left. Follow the corridor. You will enter a large open area. Look to the left to see a console and a huge horizontal blue core above it. Jump on the console. If facing the wall, look to the right. (where the caged area is located; it contains a blue ammo pickup). Walk towards the caged area, staying on this raised part of the wall. You will notice a small arch, just big enough for Samus. The back part of the right part of the wall is completely passable. If you walk through it, you will die.
Hint: Get the alien thing off your head (demo version):To get the alien off your head, morph into the ball and set two mines. This should also kill it as well.
Glitch: Multi-player: Run while floating on wall (demo version):This trick requires two Nintendo DS systems and the game for both of them. Start a multi-player game on the Ancient Vestige level. Once both players are in the game, have both of them go to the corridor shown on the right side of the map (with the damage power-up in it). At the beginning of the corridor (where it connects to the rest of the level), have one player face the wall with two pipes running horizontal on it. Then, jump forward towards the pipes and continue to walk forward. Your screen should shake up and down while you are running forward. The other player should then look at the player who is still walking into the wall. The other player should see the person running in place, floating above the ground in front of the wall.
Glitch: Multi-player: See out of level (demo version):Start by doing the "Multi-player: Run while floating on wall" glitch. Once the person is on the wall and running forward, have that person run forward and towards the corner where the wall meets the other wall that goes to the rest of the level. After awhile, the screen on the person running on the wall should shake up and down to the point where you can see out of the level. If this does not happen, try jumping while still walking forward.
Glitch: Multi-player: Have body parts disappear into a wall (demo version):Start by doing the "Multi-player: Run while floating on wall" glitch. Once you are there, walk out of the corridor and face the pipes; to the left, you should see a corner with a chunk missing out of it. Have one player walk to the corner, facing it. While facing it, walk into the corner slowly while hanging a little to the right. If done correctly, the other player should see your leg slide into the wall. Once your leg is in, you can move your torso around to try to get your blaster arm to also disappear into the wall. Note: Do not move in any direction, just pivot; you will see it on both screens. This glitch is difficult to replicate.

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